Monday 31 December 2012

Love and live the life you love: An incredible year

Love and live the life you love: An incredible year: This year has been interesting to say the least.  It began in January with my birthday 'tour'.  I decided that instead of having a fixed bir...

Sunday 30 December 2012

An incredible year

This year has been interesting to say the least.  It began in January with my birthday 'tour'.  I decided that instead of having a fixed birthday party I would take my celebrations on tour.  I started here on the Island and then went to the mainland, to Portsmouth and then to Essex.  I met up with friends and relatives who maybe I wouldn't have seen if I had kept the party here on the Island.

I had a great time and really loved seeing all those people and enjoying celebrating with them.

February brought the birth of my newest granddaughter, Tabitha.  She, of course, decided to arrive on 29th - so only one birthday every four years for her.  I went to visit her of course when she was only a few days old, and she is beautiful. She is now 10 months old, crawling and 'chatting'.  Below is Tabitha at about 6 months.

March was uneventful, except for helping out a friend who is a florist delivering flowers for Mothers' Day. The car was full of bouquets, arrangements and choccies.  Lovely gifts.

In April I helped out at a charity fashion show.  I helped to dress the models and ensure their quick changes were just that, quick.  I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was also invited to attend the Isle of Wight WI Annual Conference as a guest of their speaker Lucy, who I had helped with her relationship.  She thanked me publicly and it felt so good to be appreciated.

May brought a visit to the theatre in London to see a play called 'Noises Off', starring Celia Imrie. A very funny play, brilliantly done.  Loved it.

In June I was given tickets to the Electric Woods at Robin Hill Country Park, an evening of music and illuminations.  Brilliant.  Two more trips to London to see Blood Brothers, a stunning musical play, and War Horse - just fabulous.  The horse was a puppet, but you didn't notice and got emotionally involved with him all the way through. I was also invited to display and sell my books at Newport Minster by a local writing group.  This was really good.

July was the beginning of the festival and event season.  I spent a wet weekend at Smallbrook Stadium in a caravan providing head massage for a wonderful group of bikers.  I also started an open coaching group at a healing studio in Newport and this was quite successful, although I don't think I will repeat it.  A trip to Scotland followed to work at Rewind Festival Scotland, providing head massage to the masses.  Again it rained, but we had a good time and met some lovely people.  I was interviewed on WC4S Radio via Skype and had a great time. I also helped out at the local talent show for under 18s.  A great day too.

August brought a wedding in Essex, we took the caravan and stayed nearby.  Then we went to see Grease the musical at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton. Excellent. A day spent in Cowes for Cowes Week and then off to Henley for Rewind Festival Henley.  That weekend was so hot, 93 degrees, we nearly melted.  Then it was Faux Fest at the Donkey Sanctuary.  A festival of tribute bands. It rained, and rained.  I sold raffle tickets and met some of the 'stars'. Below is 'Michael Jackson'.

September was very busy with coaching and mentoring, getting my car fixed after someone kindly donated a dent whilst I was parked in a supermarket car park.  

In October I won some tickets to see Level 42 at Portsmouth Guildhall. Great concert.  Two more trips to London to see the play Jumpy starring Tamsin Greig.  Excellent.  And then to see A chorus of Disapproval with Rob Brydon, Ashley Jensen and Nigel Harman.  Very good and very funny.  Then off to Mayflower Theatre Southampton to see Sarah Millican. I also began being the resident life coach on a radio programme called "Calder's Confessions", this is all about real people's life problems and hopefully I am bringing some much needed help. October also brought the birth of my very first great granddaughter.  

November brought another trip to the Mayflower Southampton to see The Mousetrap.  A very interesting play.  Typical Agatha Christie.  Then a trip to the Nuffield Theatre Southampton to see Francesca Martinez, and lovely young comedienne.  Very funny. 

In December I was interviewed on Power Women Radio by Deb Jones via Skype.  I had a ball. I also spent two days at a local high school conducting mock interviews for the year 11s.  Great fun drawing out their good points and giving them tips on interview techniques.

All through the year I have also been coaching lots of women, creating a new online course to help professional women going through divorce or getting over the aftermath.  I have undertaken a marketing course which has turned out to be fabulous and I would recommend it to anyone.  Take a look here if you would like to find out more about this amazing course.

What will 2013 bring? I know it is going to be a year of creativity, coaching, teaching, mentoring and helping lots of people to change their lives so they can live authentically and on their own terms. That is my intention for 2013.

I know I am really looking forward to the coming year and building on the foundations started this year.  I think it is going to be fabulous.

So if you want your 2013 to be great, then coach with me and watch your life change for the better.

Maggie Currie
Creedence – The professional women’s divorce coach



Thursday 20 December 2012

How do I know I am in a relationship that is bad for me?

Are you really not sure if the relationship you are in is bad for you?  Do you really think you are making a mountain our of a mole hill? 

There are many tell-tale signs of toxic relationships, but I am going to mention just some of them.  

I know that when I was allowing myself to stay in a toxic relationship that my self esteem was non-existent; and one of the tell-tales that it really was as bad as I thought it might be was he told me that I was useless, nothing like as good as his mother and I would never be able to have a life of my own.

Here are a few of the tell-tale signs:

You are not allowed, or discouraged, to see any of your friends. So you turn down all invitations because it really doesn't seem worth the hassle and ear bashing that will result later on. And so you lose your friends.

When you do manage to go out with any remaining friends, your partner phones your friend to make sure you are there after about an hour and makes you feel awkward.

Your partner decides you won't wear make up because they don't like it.

You feel like you’re always treading on eggshells around them.

You find them listening to all your conversations on the phone just in case you say something they don't like.

Your partner moans and complains when things don’t go according to their plan; this can range from a child being ill to you not being dressed as they think you should be.

Your partner criticises your family whilst expecting you to love theirs.

Your partner puts you down not only at home but in front of other people when you are out together.

Your partner is really pleased with themselves when they have carried the washing basket into the kitchen - “look what I’ve done FOR YOU.”  They never do the washing though, that is your job.

You have begun to lose your sense of self and your self esteem is non-existent.

Does of any of this sound familiar? Then you are in a toxic relationship, one that is bad for you. You can choose to remain in it as it is, or you can do something to change it.  You don’t have to continue living a life where your confidence and self-esteem are routinely undermined.  

You can choose to leave the relationship, or you can choose to change it.  Either way, you will have to change something about yourself. That takes courage and begins with the first step.  Seeking help. I am the help that you need.

If you want your confidence back, speak to me. Email and together we can rebuild your confidence so you will again become the confident, capable and amazing person you know you really are.

Maggie Currie
Creedence – The professional women’s divorce coach


Thursday 13 December 2012

Love and live the life you love: New for 2013. From confusion to clarity – Becoming...

Love and live the life you love: New for 2013. From confusion to clarity – Becoming...: Does this sound familiar? On the outside you are looking great, but inside you are falling to pieces. The cracks are really beginning to ...

New for 2013. From confusion to clarity – Becoming ME again

Does this sound familiar?

On the outside you are looking great, but inside you are falling to pieces. The cracks are really beginning to show. 

Have you had to make a presentation to the board when you are feeling totally broken inside, and on the outside you are struggling to keep your composure?

There is no need to suffer in silence, you are not alone. I understand what you are going through. Reach out your hand, grab hold - I've got you. I will help you to transition the bold front you are putting on - the perfect appearance on the outside - and the inner turmoil where you are tearing yourself apart.

My new 6 month on line coaching course entitled: 'From Confusion to Clarity - Becoming ME again.  The successful woman’s guide to surviving divorce and beyond' is launching in January 2013.  

I will give you the tools and techniques to heal the inner you and get you back to the real you. Rebuild your confidence in yourself and end that constant ringing in your ears that you are not good enough. You most definitely are good enough.

You will learn:

  • To control the direction of the change which will happen in your life.

  • Success strategies and resources. And

  •  You will gain tools and techniques to confidently create the new future you want and deserve.

I will teach you how to get out from that feeling of despair 

into enjoying your life and enjoying being you!

Whether you have been through or are going through divorce, we all know divorce is never easy. There are a range of emotions that could come into play (anger, regret, frustration, fear, sorrow, anguish, bitterness, hatred, depression), and there can be a sense of loss similar to that of bereavement. It is often the case that we go through the 5 stages of bereavement either during or after a divorce. The 5 stages are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. 

This turmoil of emotions and feelings can make you question your value as a person, and can knock your self-esteem down so far that it begins to seem impossible to come back from that horrible place. 

Often you are nagged by your inner voice saying things like "If only I had done this..." or "I should have done this ..." or "I am not lovable" or "I'll never be happy" or "I'll always be alone". That kind of self talk is very destructive and can lead to depression, guilt and a sense of having nowhere to turn.

I will teach you that there is life after divorce and it will be as happy and satisfying as you choose to make it. Yes it is a choice, how you live your life is a choice. Make the right one. 

I have been through emotional and psychological abuse, a toxic relationship, divorce, lost my confidence and hit rock bottom. Through changing how I viewed myself, training to be a Life Coach and living what I teach, I have rebuilt my confidence, turned my life around and created my own successful businesses.
I guarantee, if you implement what you learn, you will change your life on my 6 month online course 'From confusion to clarity – Becoming ME again' - The successful woman’s guide to surviving divorce and beyond'.

The benefits to you include:
  • You will be heard and understood. Together we will begin to change your life and improve your relationship with yourself.
  • I know how you are feeling and understand exactly how to help you to get your life back, the life you deserve.
  • You will rebuild your confidence so you can succeed in your life.
  • You will change your mindset and begin to change your life.
  • You will get renewed enthusiasm for your success as defined by YOU!

You will get webinar tutorials, workbooks, on line portal for your course work, an initial personal laser coaching call, regular personal coaching calls for Q&A and coaching.

I will be opening up registration to the course in January 2013.  Be ready to sign up and change your life.

Maggie Currie
Creedence – The professional women’s divorce coach